Thursday, January 9, 2014

Deluding myself

So when I called to find out the status of the follow up appointment, I heard upbeat comments like "the GP is going to give me medicine that will slow the process down and most likely will stop it where I am now... I won't get any worse."

So I posted that to other family members thinking "Okay, this is what the doctor said so maybe there has been progress on the disease."  I even stated in my post "She's putting her on medicine that will significantly slow progression down if not stop it all together."

Can I be so hopeful?  If I am hopeful, am I in denial?   And if I'm not hopeful, am I damning her to this awful disease?  Everything I'm reading on the Alzheimer's Association website doesn't look hopeful:
"Currently, there is no cure for Alzheimer's. But drug and non-drug treatments may help with both cognitive and behavioral symptoms."

"Although current medications cannot cure Alzheimer’s or stop it from progressing, they may help lessen symptoms, such as memory loss and confusion, for a limited time. "

I don't want to believe!!!!

"Dear Lord, please take this away.  Please heal her and make her whole.  Please don't take her away from me like this...  In Jesus' name, Amen."

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